how to stay fit at home

Home Exercises to Stay Fit while Indoors

Last Updated16/04/2020

Explore our 5 easy indoor exercises to do from the comfort of your own home, during COVID-19 outdoor activity restrictions.

On top of our fun home activity suggestions to do if you’re staying home due to the coronavirus, it’s also very important to remember to keep your physical activity levels up. Regular exercise can keep you feeling fit, while also helping you to improve your balance and strength, as well as boosting your mood and energy levels.

By aiming to do daily exercise, you’ll be getting your blood pumping and promoting circulation all around your body, keeping both your ears and brain healthy. For specific hearing exercises, make sure you speak to the team at bloom™ hearing specialists to see what’s best for you.

5 easy exercises to try from the comfort of your own living room

Once you’ve identified a safe and open space in your home, we’ve put together some easy home exercises for you to practice. Make sure that you feel comfortable and confident while doing these exercises, don’t push yourself beyond your limits – practice makes perfect! If it’s your first time doing these exercises, be sure to know your physical limits and not to push yourself too far, after all practice does make perfect! For added motivation, get your partner or spouse to join in and complete the daily exercises with you.

Back Leg Raises

Holding onto the back of a chair, slowly lift your right leg straight back, as though you are going to kick a ball. Keep your left knee straight and relaxed, while keeping your balance. Hold that position for up to a second before gently bringing your right leg back down.

Repeat this 10 to 15 times. Then repeat this exercise on your left leg.

Side Leg Raises

Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and hold on to the back of a chair for balance. With your left foot facing forward and keeping your back straight, slowly lift your right leg to the side then lower it back down.

Repeat this 10 to 15 times, before repeating the same motion on your left leg.

Toe Lifts

Using a chair or a counter, whichever is easier, stand straight and rest your hands on the support. Raise yourself up on your toes, like when you go on your tiptoes to reach the high shelf at the supermarket, then lower yourself back down.

Repeat the toe lifts for about a minute, or for as long as you feel capable of.

Wall Pushups

Find a sturdy, blank wall in your home and stand an arm’s length in front of it. Leaning forward slightly by bending your hips, hold your arms out straight and place your palms flat on the wall.

Maintaining your balance on your feet, slowly bring your body towards the wall by bending at your elbows. Gently push yourself back off the wall by straightening your arms.

Repeat this exercise 20 times, or as many times as you can confidently complete.

Marching in Place

Put on your favourite upbeat song and march in place. If you need to hold on to something, you can perform this exercise in front of your kitchen bench or your dining table. Standing straight, simply lift your right knee as high as you can then lower it and lift your left leg.

March in place as many times as you can or aim for a minute when you first start off.